For Aveiro Walking Tours, the privacy of its users is essential. All data provided by users will be treated with the utmost care so that the data is processed securely and only for the identified purpose.

Collection of personal data

This site does not require the creation of user accounts. Data is only collected when filling out forms, such as the contact form. This data will only be used to contact the user following up on their request and clarifying their doubts.

Cookies may be used only to collect information about traffic and thus optimize this website in order to deliver a better user experience. No personal information is stored on cookies. In any case, you can use your browser to browse anonymously and to delete all cookies at any given moment.

No marketing communications will be made, such as newsletters. The data will not be saved in any database.


Whenever user data is collected, the communication is encrypted in order to guarantee its security. Only Aveiro Walking Tours will have access to this data, using authentication and authorization mechanisms.

Changes to our privacy policies

If we change our privacy policies, they will always be available at this location. For further clarifications, please contact us via